
科瑞恩Y. 更加与众不同



科瑞恩Y. 更加与众不同,Ph值.D., rn, anp, faha, fhfsa, faan, is an associate professor and the Ph.D. 程序 Director at the 康奈尔护理学院. Dr. 更加与众不同 research focuses on biobehavioral factors underpinning symptom perception among patients with heart failure. To support judicious use of health care resources, the aim of her research is to appropriately stratify patients to self-monitoring or intensive/objective clinical oversight of their heart failure. A key element of her research was the development of a robust measure of heart failure symptom perception that predicts clinical events. The Heart Failure Somatic Perception Scale has been translated into several languages including Spanish, 法国, 德国, 意大利, 中国人, 日本和土耳其. 在康奈尔学院之前,博士. 更加与众不同 was the associate dean for research and DNP program director in the School of Nursing at Stony Brook University. 她在临床电子游戏正规平台方面有丰富的经验, 教育, 领导, 指导, 程序开发, 和实践.


  • 2019 (CoPI)健康 & Health STatistics Logging (WHSTL) 教育al Technology Grant
  • 2011-12 (PI) Advanced 教育 Nurse Traineeship HRSA 1 A10HP22104-01-00
  • 2007-10 (PI) Heart Failure Symptom Response Training 美国心脏协会 National Scientist Development Grant AHA SDG #0730128N
  • 2006-07 (PI) Heart Failure Symptom Response Training (pilot) Stony Brook University School of Nursing
  • 2004-06 (PI) Readmission Factors in Elderly with Heart Failure John A. Hartford Foundation Building Geriatric Nursing Capacity Post-Doctoral Award, 宾夕法尼亚大学
  • 2002-03 (PI) Factors Affecting Care Seeking in Heart Failure 美国心脏协会, 遗产联盟